Skill development is critical to the prosperity of India’s youth population and its economy as a whole. Skilling programmes in secondary and senior secondary schools allows for youth to pursue skills in addition to the formal education curriculum, and enhances their employability.
The Government of India and the State Governments today fund vocational skills training programmes in government schools across the country, showing immense success to date. With Corporates partnering in this initiative, its footprint can be expanded to more schools across the country.
Through your investment over four years, you will be provisioning schools with two skill paths along with the necessary lab/equipment for skilling. Each school will get two labs, access to equipment, two skills, and a teacher specialized to instruct their own skill.
Over the course of the four-year timeframe, you will benefit hundreds of students. Your investment will provide more than just vocational education. It will empower, inspire, and elevate students and their communities.
The opportunity available to you offers low-risk and extremely high reward potential, given that the framework is already established, the programmes integrated into the curriculum, and the school model’s proven success across the country. As skilling becomes ingrained in the culture of government-run schools, larger and more frequent investments must be made to meet the needs of each school, its students, and their community at-large.